AAA is a highly speculative stock and will be until NEXT FOUR YEARS. The reason for this is that AAA does not make any money! End of story, BUT you can profit from speculating on AAA euphoria. It should be noted that AAA as well as the complete Energy and related stocks have made a major correction from the highs of LAST YEAR. Given that, AAA has come back down to a closer value to where is should be for this stage of engineering development. When the stock stabilized and seem to be going sideways for a while, from out of no where analyst are promoting the sh%t out of the stock, this is where new investors come on board. This good news camapign is to let the money makers sell their shares at a higher price(taking profits).At that point everyone is happy and bank accounts swell. When they need to increase their stock reserves, overvaled stock price starts happening and they force the price down 10% and everyone runs to sell their shares at a loss (more profits) If you read between the lines, now analysts are now neigh sayers and stating the price of the shares are over-valued, which is a good indicator that the prices will stabilize and again drop in the near future. This is how the game is played, set your mindset to the brokerage houses level and you can profit with them. The stock market is relying less and less on fundamentals on speculative stocks and more on the money machines handling of its share price. THIS IS DESIGNED TO LEAVE YOU HOLDING THE EMPTY BAG AND THEM TO LEAVE WITH A WHEEL BARREL FULL OF MONEY THAT INVESTORS HAVE SAVED, EARNED OR PROFITED. Giving an evaluation on AAA is useful to a certain extent for long term goals for price evalutions for people satisfied to (Time Capsule) their money and forget about it until a pre-determined date and then examine their exit strategy at that time.(Warren Buffet methodology) During the months, years to come this and any other stock that you will invest in the future will be cycling dramatically (speculative stocks) or cycle slowly on (capital earning stocks). Just remember that brokerage houses make their money from supply and demand (They supply & you demand). The bottom line is the money just doesn't appear in front of them, they have the power by shear volume to control the ups and downs to make their bottom line. Also they have paid pumpers who get paid on a basis on how many posts they can post in a day. Their paycheck is based on volume also, they are also there to cause confusion and fear in forums. Some have dual personalities, others have yes men ID's to help confirm their stories and or opinions. Others pick fights and try to draw you into a different thought pattern to take your guard down and then yoour decision making process is clouded. That is why I don't take their bait, I don't argue with them or ignore them. If you ignore THEM, you don't know where they are, like a mosquito in the dark. In my opinion it is better to knnow which forum they are working so you can keep your profits and better handle your entry and exit strategies. If you don't respond to the pumpers and bashers they loose their ability to control the board. Keep control of the board for what it is meant to be, information that can help you in your investments. A good example was the euphoria with BBB, good valuations but the company doesn't make any money from the Algeria find. The stock was pumped and pumped for months. People were buying in from $9.00 through to $24.00. Some of these people were in from the start and buying in everytime they had the money, these long timers were extending their line of credit, a second mortgage to buy more shares at $20.00 +. The Euphoria was there for a buyout at $40.00 (People forgot about the tech bubble years ago). Those same people have been cleaned out financially on paper and some on cash. Think of telling your wife you are paying a $25,000 plus interest line of credit off on a stock that is worth $7,000. Now that contract signing time is coming in the next few months, you can see that BBB has been forced down even though all Energy stocks are making a comeback. MM are picking up shares like shooting fish in a barrel, retailers are losing their shirts and the stock price will go up again for a new string of financially able investors. With all this written, stick to your game plan and stick to your exit strategy that you set for when you originally bought your shares. AAA will go up and down in price a thousand times IN NEXT FOUR YEARS. More than likely just before start up and production the price will droop like a stone just to get the last panic stock sellers fleeced before the price will take off to PCA, Shell price levels. My opinion not yours